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Inokim - the last word in scooters world

he electric scooter market has exploded in recent years after a relaxed approach was taken by the authorities in legalising them. There are many brands and models to choose from, ranging from a few hundred pounds to thousands of pounds. How do electric scooters compare when you consider the price, build quality and design? As a consumer, you need to make an informed decision when choosing a product and understand the positives (and the not so positives) when making the purchase.

You may think motorised scooters are a new phenomenon. However, their origins date back to 1915, when the first motorised scooters were built. Back then, these two-wheeled mini bikes were called 'autopeds' or 'autoped scooters' and were powered by petroleum. Today, scooters are either manual or powered by rechargeable electricity, making them convenient and environmentally friendly. When every brand claim agility, lightweight, and efficiency, how do you pick out the best of the best? And more importantly, you need to be equipped to identify the best value scooters for the price you pay.

What is so special about Inokim scooters?

The driving force behind every Inokim scooter is it's innate strive to make modern living sustainable, beautiful and future proof. As a leading manufacturer of electric scooters globally, Inokim takes the firm belief that they must leave the world in a good condition for our children. This means Inokim has a thrust to protect the health of the planet and all of its inhabitants. We all can make our small contribution to help make the world we live in a cleaner, less noisy and peaceful.


Inokim scooters have a unique design that prioritises flexibility, compact size, power, and lightweight. The best part is that these industry-leading scooters have won many awards that testify to the actual design quality. In particular, Inokim became the winner of the Reddot award in 2018 for design.

And the product range does not shy away from style either! There are plenty of colours to choose from so that you can have the perfect scooter that is right for your style and taste. The iconic design is super practical, too. With compactness, power and distance at the core of the objectives, engineers behind building these scooters have made sure you get a practical and good-looking scooter.


It all started in 2011 when MyWay, as Inokim was known back then, released MyQuick as the first lightweight scooter to the mainstream market after years of development. After the great success since the launch, mass production began with another model entering the market with added features. This product had phenomenal success and was approached by many new companies seeking to copy and replicate it. In 2015, there was another fresh model with lighter and faster batteries. Named the 'Light' model, it addressed a new market section, opening the door to new users with discerning preferences.

Making a remarkable advancement in the design and technology behind the Inokim scooter, the Mini model in 2017 was groundbreaking. Weighing just 8.5 kg, it has the option of being carried like a trolley when folded, making it the perfect companion during crowded commutes.


With an impeccable record for high performance, every Inokim scooter boasts of maximum battery capacity and long-range. The OX model, released in 2018, is the most powerful, longest distance range model yet. It has superb suspension for even higher riding quality and performance, giving you a smooth and enjoyable ride.

If one thing that stands out with the Inokim scooter, it is the longevity of the product. Every scooter is of premium quality and has been built to last. Having powerful batteries, larger motors and solid brakes, you cannot go wrong with Inokim.

Product range

The choice is irresistible when it comes to Inokim scooters. There is a model for every budget and usage requirement.

  • Mini 2

  • Light Max 2

  • Quick 4 Super

  • OZOa

  • Oxo

  • Ox Super

Head to our products page to find out more about the full range of scooters on offer at fantastic prices.

Famed as one of the most practical and well-designed scooters in today's market, Inokim scooters are the best choice from the electric scooters out there! Which one will be yours?

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